Tyler Snell
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2012, 07:28:23 PM » |
I thought it was excellent. The first game I've actually finished in a long time. It has it's flaws. It felt like it could've used some more playtesting. It seemed like it was intended to be pretty modular, but there were a couple puzzle sequences that would've made a lot more sense if I had done them in a certain order. Some puzzles felt pretty contrived, and I got annoyed with a fair amount, but then I don't usually like puzzle games.
Overall I thought it had a great feel to it. I loved the feeling of things being set into motion around you. My favorite parts were There was one puzzle that I actually solved on accident, which at first annoyed me, but I really liked it. Overall, it put me a more interesting spot than just "beat the puzzles and win". It was more about encountering puzzles and setting things into motion. I love that feeling of unknowing. Just moving through the spaces and puzzles, big things seem to be happening, but you have absolutely no idea what.
The visual aesthetic worked really well, I want to see more stuff like this (i.e. unique 3d-based aesthetics rather than retro-nostalgia 2d and realistic 3d). The world felt like it had purpose and history, even though it was completely foreign.
I liked the way it treated the player character. None of that "you wake up in a strange world and don't know how you got there", it's just you, exploring this world. Worked perfectly in this context.
Spoiler: Not sure how I felt about the non-abstracted stuff near the end. The skeleton, then birds and animals. I thought the birds appearing was really cool, but it cast a "real-world" shadow on it that I don't think I liked. It added some mystery, but simultaneously ruined the enigmatic nature of it. I think I would have preferred it to remain completely foreign and abstract.