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Author Topic: Dramagame  (Read 37556 times)
Michaël Samyn

Posts: 2042

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« on: November 01, 2012, 09:47:36 AM »

Has anybody played Dramagame? I did yesterday. It was very amusing.

I had purchased the game a while ago and installed it only to find out that it wouldn't run outside of specific play times (and yes, "play" here also refers to theater).

Yesterday I received an email that said there was going to be "a show" that night at 19:15. So a few minutes before, I loaded in my browser and saw a countdown. At zero, the game started full screen and told me "You are Jack Gold." with a short back story and two or three "quests". I found myself on a fancy yacht in the middle of the ocean and joined three people conversing at the bar. We were all playing our parts in this live improvised soap opera. That I wasn't very good at accomplishing my quests didn't matter much. I was still playing my part. At some point a sheet with a magical poem landed on the ship. And when my character gave one to one of the female characters, she feel in love with him. After an hour, the game ended with me and her sharing drugs in a dressing room inside. What a cliff hanger!
A show lasts exactly one hour.

The graphic style is a bit default-shiny, the animations are wooden and the requirement to type what your character says is a bit tricky. But I had an hour of amusement in an interactive virtual environment. And that doesn't happen often to me lately. So I do recommend that you have a look at this. Maybe we can all attend a future "show" together?

Posts: 384

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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 10:42:00 AM »

Sounds very interesting! I would like to give it try, but with a small child at home it is very hard to do stuff at specific times.

Is it possible to do something a time of your own choosing? I could possibly try at 20.00 (GMT)

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« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 04:17:55 AM »

I bought it on thursday, I have to wait to sunday to play. I guess in the future you can make your own plays at the time you want and people may join in, but still if it doesn't get enough people that back this game it will be out of service in less than a year :S, specially since you will have to wait a couple of days only to play an hour, let's hope not, but it's a little going against the flow.

I voted them in greenlight, if it's on steam probably more players will come.

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« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 12:16:58 PM »

It looks like the sort of thing I might like, but according to their steam greenlight page my computer is under the minimum requirements, does anyone know if they are actually accurate? (the fact that they list win 7 as a requirement seems a bit weird and makes me suspect that the other requirements might not be strict).

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« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 10:25:13 PM »

I finished playing it for the first time, was really cool. Too bad we only played with 2 more people (there were 3 but one disconected the fists minutes of the game).

Really refreshing, the setting and that you don't know anything about anyone makes it really engaging, it's a play in the sense you have to "act" the character you are, but you don't know anything else, you are pretty much left nude in the middle of the boat, pretty good.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 10:26:55 PM by shredingskin » Logged
Michaël Samyn

Posts: 2042

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« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2012, 09:04:45 AM »

with a small child at home

Congratulations!  Smiley
Michaël Samyn

Posts: 2042

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« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2012, 09:07:08 AM »

Is it possible to do something a time of your own choosing?

I don't think there's an interface for that (yet). But if enough of us can agree on a time and date (4 players is the minimum), maybe we can email the developers and ask to accommodate us.

Posts: 384

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« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2012, 07:27:20 AM »

Thanks! Smiley

I don't think there's an interface for that (yet). But if enough of us can agree on a time and date (4 players is the minimum), maybe we can email the developers and ask to accommodate us.
Could be interesting. I just know that I suck I planning my spare-time, so would not want anybody to rely on me Smiley
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