I am moving towards more theory that supports practise - true, complaining and not making anything is a waste of time... I made that mistake a few times.
And why? Because I had to make it a game that's fun and addictive so that portals will want it so that I can pay the bills. I have to sell it and make it sound like it has value, because that's how capitalism works.
I am reminded of a quite from "The Passion of Ayn Rand"...
Ayn Rand: "So if these producers come up to you and say - write this film about an evil rich industrialist, you will do it?"
Film writer: "Ayn... you don't understand... I feel
guilty about betraying my values every-..."
Ayn Rand: "What?! You feel
And she stares him down until he sulks out of the room.
A weird thing that makes me slightly elitist is that I have a huge dislike of fastfood, and I have often thought that in an ideal world people would find it easier to be educated so nobody would have to work in McDonalds - to which someone once posed; but then who would make the hamburgers? But in an ideal educated world, who would want to eat McDonalds hamburgers?
The metaphore with games is obvious, I suppose. I am fortunate I do not have to work at present and hope to go to making 'good' work without spending time in the McDonalds section of games. But unless I can get a job with one of you before starting for myself that is unlikely