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Author Topic: The Only Thing I Know  (Read 55838 times)
Jeroen D. Stout

Posts: 245

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« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2010, 01:42:47 PM »

I am moving towards more theory that supports practise - true, complaining and not making anything is a waste of time... I made that mistake a few times.

And why?  Because I had to make it a game that's fun and addictive so that portals will want it so that I can pay the bills.  I have to sell it and make it sound like it has value, because that's how capitalism works.
I am reminded of a quite from "The Passion of Ayn Rand"...
Ayn Rand: "So if these producers come up to you and say - write this film about an evil rich industrialist, you will do it?"
Film writer: "Ayn... you don't understand... I feel guilty about betraying my values every-..."
Ayn Rand: "What?! You feel guilty?!"
And she stares him down until he sulks out of the room.

A weird thing that makes me slightly elitist is that I have a huge dislike of fastfood, and I have often thought that in an ideal world people would find it easier to be educated so nobody would have to work in McDonalds - to which someone once posed; but then who would make the hamburgers? But in an ideal educated world, who would want to eat McDonalds hamburgers?
The metaphore with games is obvious, I suppose. I am fortunate I do not have to work at present and hope to go to making 'good' work without spending time in the McDonalds section of games. But unless I can get a job with one of you before starting for myself that is unlikely Wink
God at play

Posts: 490

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« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2010, 05:47:09 PM »

But in an ideal educated world, who would want to eat McDonalds hamburgers?
But unless I can get a job with one of you before starting for myself that is unlikely Wink

I know what you mean.  Here's a question using the same metaphor:  What if you had 4 months to find that job, and after month 3 no one was hiring?  How'd you spend the last month?  Would your job search change?

Mick P.

Posts: 69

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« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2015, 10:26:04 PM »

A weird thing that makes me slightly elitist is that I have a huge dislike of fastfood, and I have often thought that in an ideal world people would find it easier to be educated so nobody would have to work in McDonalds - to which someone once posed; but then who would make the hamburgers? But in an ideal educated world, who would want to eat McDonalds hamburgers?
The metaphore with games is obvious, I suppose. I am fortunate I do not have to work at present and hope to go to making 'good' work without spending time in the McDonalds section of games. But unless I can get a job with one of you before starting for myself that is unlikely Wink

I think there is either a specific palate for fastfood or it has changed over the last couple decades to squeeze every last drop of profit out of the system. I remember it being serviceable food 15 or 20 years ago, but either my palate changed or the food changed, and I expect because of our hyper financialization it is the food, but on the other hand it's possible you have to be raised on it from before you know what you are putting into your mouth to develop the palate. Make the same items from food at the supermarket and they taste more or less normal.

(I don't know if any of this is a helpful extended metaphor for video games or not. Probably not.)

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