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Author Topic: Proof that capitalism is good for us  (Read 54471 times)
Michaël Samyn

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« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2012, 06:59:49 PM »

I agree with Jeroen that the urgent problem is (neo)liberalism.

I disagree that capitalism is the best that humans can do. But I will leave the analysis of it to Mr Marx, who did a fine job, unrelated to the mess certain politicians have caused inspired by his work.

Liberalism seems to imply a belief that freedom leads to happiness for all. At this point, this belief must have turned into some kind of religion considering the obvious and factual misery on this planet. We do not need another ideology, another belief system. We just need start to caring about this planet and the people on it. And use our enormous intellect to fix the problems. And if we can't do that, we deserve nothing better than the total annihilation we're heading towards.
Chris W

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« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2012, 07:29:13 PM »

Everything becomes a religion.  That's just how people work.  Shockingly few people seem to have the cognitive wherewithal to lift their snouts from the slop bucket long enough to see the forest instead of the trees. (a jumbled metaphor, I hope you all get the point)

If I was king of the world, I would make cognitive bias( ) be a required school subject for every human being.  I have always felt like that bit of self-understanding would make everyone that much more civil, non-destructive, and reasonable, to great benefit for all.
György Dudas

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« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2012, 12:19:19 AM »

once upon a time, I had this idea that everyones time should be valued as equal. Consequences would be that a janitor would earn the same money like a CEO or that an engineer would earn the same money as a nurse in a hospital. Why? Because everyones time is equal... once upon a time.
Michaël Samyn

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« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2012, 10:52:45 AM »

People are not equal. So everybody's time is not equal. Some people are more talented, more intelligent. We should find a way to encourage them, to support them, so they can achieve what they can. Because the achievements of others pull us all up.

Currently, the opposite is happening: everything is pulled down to the lowest level. And the only talent that is rewarded is a talent for buying and selling unscrupulously. That's not only wrong. It's also stupid. It prevents our species from becoming what we can.
Chris W

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« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2012, 04:02:12 AM »

Well, everyone's time as beings on this earth is equal - but the fruits of their labor is not.  If you can figure out how to reconcile the two, then you're a step or two or ten ahead of the rest of humanity.
György Dudas

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« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 01:50:32 PM »

Well, everyone's time as beings on this earth is equal

this is the point...

And it follows (I believe), that every work is equally important. My work is not more important than the work of a janitor or the cleaning person. People love to think, their work is more important than that of others...  It is the same like saying ants or insects are not important, who needs spiders? I think that idea is related to Gandhi's Tolstoy farm....

if we pay people less than other people, those less paid people are basically serving other people. I don't think that people should be servants to other poeple.

Time is equally valuable to everybody and should be paid the same. I have no problem with that, I would be happy if a nurse in a hospital would earn the same money as I do or vice versa. Then people could concentrate on more important stuff ...
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 01:55:16 PM by György Dudas » Logged
Michaël Samyn

Posts: 2042

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« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2012, 12:24:04 AM »

Ideally money should not even exist. But I have a suspicion that without the work/leisure treadmill, many people would not be able to have a satisfying life. I guess they could learn. But such education would take quite a bit of effort. Freedom doesn't provide for this.

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« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2012, 04:03:30 PM »

People will never be satisfied. Once you have attained a lot of money, to a point where some people would say you reached the top, the inner voice will say: You need more, more, more. And this is of course moreso with most rich people (sorry for generalizing), once you tasted more, you only want more still.
The inner Slave-Driver always tells you that you need more. And the inner Perfectionist always tells you that what you made/do is not good enough. It's the art of not listening to these illusions.
I agree ideally money should not even exist. The only way to have a satisfying life is not wanting any.
For me money is something to survive in society and to spend to have fun with other people, and give away for as much I can offer.
Not a single material investment will make you really happy, maybe for a slight moment, and some things are pure functional, but again: It won't give you true, sincere joy.
Making other people happy is what makes one really happy. So to me, that's what money is for.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 04:07:05 PM by MichielvT » Logged

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