György Dudas
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:17:56 PM » |
Capitalsism, do your work! (Schlossgarten, Stuttgart)... what you don't know is that many of those trees were 150 years and older 
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 02:06:02 PM » |
I'm not familiar with the project shown here in these photos. I don't see what the age of the trees have to do with anything. I don't have a problem with capitalism. I do have a problem with capitalism as an excuse to be amoral.
Irony is for cowards.
György Dudas
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 02:23:43 PM » |
I don't see what the age of the trees have to do with anything Unless you are a jedi master, people get attached to things or even trees. Many old folks here knew their trees for more than 50-60 years. A 200 years old tree is something completely different than a 10 years old tree. Maybe not for bureaucrats or capitalists. But there is a difference, when you stand in front of that old tree. (go ask some hobbits) Capitalism has become a cancer (in my opinion).
Michaël Samyn
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 02:29:31 PM » |
I don't have a problem with capitalism. I do have a problem with capitalism as an excuse to be amoral.
I don't have a problem with murder. But I do have a problem when it's used to kill people. 
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 02:54:52 PM » |
I don't know what alternative you think there is to money and trade. The alternative to capitalism is a dictatorship. Controlling trade to the point of eliminating it, you basically have a powerful government to control everything. Laws restrict freedom. You can't argue the contrary.
And capitalism doesn't kill people. That's a straw man argument.
Irony is for cowards.
Albin Bernhardsson
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2012, 03:00:06 PM » |
The point, I presume, was that capitalism is inherently amoral. And... well... capitalism kinda does kill people. :p
Money and trade are not exclusive to capitalism.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 03:02:31 PM by Chainsawkitten »
György Dudas
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 03:03:18 PM » |
I don't know what alternative you think there is to money and trade If we postulate, that there are no alternatives, then of course we will never develop alternatives. That was the same logic applied to the Schlossgarten. They told us: Listen up, there are no alternatives to destroying the park. And of course, people presented alternatives (but those people don't count in our society).
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 03:28:15 PM » |
Communism was an alternative. Fascism was as well. Those didn't work out too well, did they? Maybe you think everyone will be nice to each other, be fair and share everything equally. But then, maybe monkeys might fly out of my butt. This doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be nice to each other. However, people are selfish, difficult, and unpredictable to a certain extent. You have to deal with how people really behave, not try to force them to be something they can never be. That is the problem with idealism, it never takes reality into account.
Irony is for cowards.
György Dudas
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 03:31:54 PM » |
I am glad that I live in a reality where bs(*) like this is the order of the day   (*) bullshit
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 03:34:52 PM by György Dudas »
György Dudas
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 03:33:37 PM » |
That is the problem with idealism, it never takes reality into account. It is not idealism, to look for alternatives...
Jeroen D. Stout
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 03:38:11 PM » |
Are you suggesting that open trade between individuals was the cause of this demolition, rather than Stuttgart's apparently uncaring (and presumably elected) city council? I don't have a problem with capitalism. I do have a problem with capitalism as an excuse to be amoral.
I don't have a problem with murder. But I do have a problem when it's used to kill people.  Capitalism doesn't kill people, power kills people. 
Albin Bernhardsson
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 04:01:28 PM » |
Are you suggesting that open trade between individuals was the cause of this demolition, rather than Stuttgart's apparently uncaring (and presumably elected) city council?
Surely both are to blame?
Jeroen D. Stout
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 05:31:35 PM » |
Sorry if I sounded facetious. But I do think that the problem is unrestrained capitalism, rather than capitalism as such.
By which I mean, I see the great advantages of private ownership, creation of goods for profit, competition in markets and voluntary exchange. The problem with capitalism in the extreme liberal sense is that a corporation can use world-wide funds to 'outbuy' a local space, or that someone can never rise high enough to receive the chances capitalism offers; or that a single person can be thought of as 'no value' within a larger system. But I think these are social problems which need social solutions (government, &c). I do not think you can think of any system which could replace capitalism without inducing more problems. Will you remove private property? Prohibit the accumulation of wealth? Will my company be government-run and will I have to write government-favourable narratives to receive funding, rather than appealing to what-ever minority of world-wide audience I may find?
I maintain the problem is full liberalism, not capitalism. Just like "politics" is not 'the problem', it is the system within which there is a problem, but without which we would have even more problems (unrestrained anarchy).
Chris W
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 06:26:11 PM » |
Capitalism, as tends to be championed, is also an unachievable idealism. It is built from this mythos that if you do a hard day's work, you will get a just reward for it, and that whatever you achieve is justified by the work that you must have put in to get there. Unfortunately, this leads to a hideously warped view of reality, since things just don't work that way. They key point is that any system we create to steer our societies toward some common goal will always have the disadvantage of being somewhat counter to natural human behavior - else you would never need to create a system for it in the first place. And if that system is too open (like, the free market being too free, for example), then it will tend to revert toward the natural human state, where might makes right, the strong take advantage of the weak, etc. Of course, it's even worse than that, because human behavior evolved within a small group tribal structure - the massive civilizations we have today could not operate under those kinds of evolved behaviors.
That being said, capitalism is the best structure humans have come up with so far. But it does need to be disentangled from the mythos and restrained in intelligent ways or it becomes as much a vehicle for nefarious work as any other system created and then subverted by mankind from the dawn of time.
Chris W
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 06:29:55 PM » |
In regards to the trees: I frequently dream of a day when beauty will be as important to society as anything else. How uplifting it would be. I frequently drive around L.A. imagining what it would be like if all the architecture was fantastical and majestic. Last summer I moved into an apartment with a beautiful view of a protected nature area. The difference it makes to my attitude and demeanor on a daily basis cannot be overstated.