Thanks a lot Jorge!
Thank you for gifting us with your game

Interaction with other things is something I've wanted to have in the game but it's just hard to get right. I don't want the comet to talk or write to others, I'd like some kind of wordless communication. I'm working on something like this now, hopefully it will be good enough to put into an update.
Oh, don't mind me. I really was just saying the first things that came up to my mind, I didn't truly give it a deep thought. What I was trying to point is that the game is nice, but -maybe because it is so nice- It really makes you desire "I want more!". More things to do, more ways to interact, more mechanics, I don't know what it should be, but it is clear for me that I want more interaction

Yeah I guess so... not in style or ideas so much as in his attitude towards games which I find very encouraging. He's kind of a notgame-creator, right? He should go "indie" though; Katamari would be so much better without the time limit on the levels and I'm sure that was put in by some suit (or other game designers).
In Noby Noby Boy he quite abandoned the goal-oriented scheme. It is true that in the last place you have to stretch yourself to make Girl go further, but the game really makes clear that the most important thing in it is to have fun.
We chose to release Vanitas for the iPhone to test this theory. But I have a feeling that, while the audience may be more diverse, the desire for -relatively deep- entertainment is not wide-spread. When distributing through PC, it's almost impossible to reach non-gamers. But among the gamer audience, there's a small niche that is very interested in the kinds of apps we want to make. And in the end, it seems that that small niche of the PC gamers audience is a lot bigger than the small niche of interested non-gamers in the diverse iPhone audience. This is just guesswork based on superficial observation. I'd like to hear examples that contradict this.
Now I have read this I'm thinking the magnitude of this problem is bigger than I thought. It seems like we don't really have a place, I mean, we are somewhat between games and art. Or maybe we are just art but still people see all this too related to games because of its origins. Maybe we should start wondering about of in what "circles" we want to be and start to make moves in that direction. If the objective is to let all this be known by audiences interested in aesthethics and artistic expression something should be done.
One of my teachers is a person very concerned and interested in this. She likes a wide amount of kinds of artistic expression and she didn't knew what was being done in the interactive medium. When I told her she seemed very excited and wanted to check it out.
I know it is maybe too soon, but this makes me think on all the people that would find all this attemps and projects interesting and they are not enoying it just because we haven't reached them yet.