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1  General / Introductions / Re: Hello, I am Maija on: February 18, 2010, 10:51:05 AM
Sounds like an interesting project anyway.  Why will it require new hardware?

Because my poor computer is eight years old Smiley
2  General / Introductions / Re: Hello, I am Maija on: February 18, 2010, 10:14:03 AM
My goal is to create a notgame during 2010 as a showcase item so I can apply to the game design masters degree programme in Medialab in Helsinki.
Oh you come across as so mercenary, but I think that, deep down, your real reason for desiring to make a notgame is one of ineluctable aesthetic drive, right?  Wink

What, mercenary? What makes you say so? Smiley

I wouldn't say I'm driven by aesthetic drive exactly, more like a horrible need to create these things.

I hope I can incorporate some of that experience into a digital project.
Going to get started on it right away, or?

I'm getting new hardware in April-ish so I'm not technically doing anything before that, but I'm on manuscript level with my project. The working title is Aunt Hortensia and it's about a weekend with a girl and her aunt in the countryside, very loosely based on short stories by Mika Waltari. It's mostly based around the character and the AI of the aunt, and in (a kind of a) self-typable dialogue. And no, it won't be a Facade knock-off Smiley
3  General / Introductions / Hello, I am Maija on: February 09, 2010, 08:24:01 PM
Hello, I am Maija from Finland, I received my BA in new media last year. My goal is to create a notgame during 2010 as a showcase item so I can apply to the game design masters degree programme in Medialab in Helsinki.

I feel completely presumptuous and tiny coming amidst all you brilliant minds here, writing fabulous and exciting things. I think I'll mostly be a quiet, listening student during my stay Smiley

I've very little credentials beyond writing and producing a lot of nordic-style/freeform/no-rules live roleplay events (an era which is behind me now) from which I'd really like to see video games draw influence from, and I hope I can incorporate some of that experience into a digital project.

Besides notgames, I'm curious of storytelling, digital text readability and layout, computer parts recycling and equal rights in the evermore technology-driven society.

Maija K
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