Very interesting, the reaction to the news of the Facebook buyout.
The game nerds are sputtering. The rage is rather incoherent as usual. Their one possible good point is that Facebook will turn Oculus into a closed platform. But that's highly unlikely at least for several years. The number one effect is unlimited funds and instant global brand recognition. VR is a household term now.
And I'm pretty sure that's precisely the real main reason they're so angry. Simply because facebook is associated with non-nerd ("casual") games and gamers. And of course a host of uses apart from gaming that appeal to normal people more than nerds. Look at the number one complaint: "They will put Candy Crush on VR".
So the game nerds hate it. On the other hand, it seems
like everybody's talking about it now.
Facebook VR right as of this instant appears to command a higher mindshare than gaming as a whole.
Compare this with the console launch which was a complete non-event even among semicasual gamers, let alone the masses.
Still think VR is narrow?