Phone Story kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I found it useless as a game and was confused why it wasn't simply an animation. It seemed like they distilled an annoying part of videogames down to an annoying essence and combined that with a linear animation.
This, however, is a much more important experience to me! It perfectly illustrates ludo-narrative dissonance through a mechanic itself. It was like they applied directly to the forehead and took the conflict HeadOn.
Personally, I did not enjoy the experience overall, despite my loving the visuals and appreciating the mature themes. Every time I felt I was getting into the world, the scene was over and I received an achievement screen that took me right back out. It was like...the
inverse of a cutscene. Why are they so afraid of abandoning the structure of the game? To me, this experience reaks of a fearful creator.
However, as someone who has made experiments that failed in a completely mediocre way, I really admire this because I consider it to be an experiment that failed in the most glorious way. In this game, ludo-narrative dissonance is so clearly both real and a problem in a way I've never seen before. Bravo Molleindustria! If only I could fail this well...