I do not know if anyone is familiar with the film work of Maya Deren. I just discovered her work recently, and I watch a lot of films and read some stuff on film, but somehow I did not notice her work. So it might be new to you as well.
This is her most known work: Meshes Of The Afternoon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9NM-bOl4b8When you watch this, you might notice the influence she might have had on David Lynch. And this short film was made in 1943! I would say that she was 40-50 years ahead of her time. She gained some recognition, but she did not break through. So she made her films for a fairly small audience and circle. The thing is that her studies and work prepared the ground for what was going to happen in film far in the future. I would say this defines the term "avantgarde".
I don't expect to get rich with my work or to even get some sustainable income from it. But that's okay. Most creative people can't live from their work, so they take jobs and lose a lot of time (that's actually not okay).
Of course, we all strife for recognition and widespread recognition, but without compromising our work. Sometimes you have to admit, that what you are doing is not for your own generation, but might get recognized later down the road and might have some influence on other creators.
And let's not start to talk about Hollis Frampton (at least not now, maybe later).
So enjoy the film, and let us strife for truth and meaning in our work.