Your concept only really works when it is seen as a criticism of games. If you read it as a metaphor for life, it's very sad (and almost an encouragement to be conservative).
You can see it as an argument against escapism. Going down some mine to find treasure is nonsense, yet so many people are convinced that their person 'coal mine' will suddenly produce diamonds; like a person going out in his student years either backs up from the drunken student slummer or falls and breaks his legs... the
complete fulfilment, the 10/10, is just a promise through the glorification of such things in the media, I think. Looking at beauty ideals, love ideals, career ideals, family ideals, eating ideals... nobody can do all that without letting go of the safety wire. I could open a random issue of Cosmo Magazine and have enough material to make this a metaphor for the bad things in life
EDIT: With Michael Samyn's
Memorial in the background? That song haunts me. It is the new
More News From Nowhere.
Jeroen D. Stout:
I like your idea! Would be be fun to see it made, even though I know the twist now
I really like small games with where the design is more "holistic" and where you need to play it to the end to grasp it. It especially works nicely for smaller games and "Everyday the same day" and "Beacon" are really good interesting example of this.
Perhaps something for the after-hours
it would be good to get a nice little cheeky 'swing' on the abseiling, get back some 2.5D gameplay... but I am not meeting enough deadlines as-is
EDIT: See, I am already making it 'fun'; swing on abseiling. I need to make the gameplay... thoughtful? Like We The Giants and as you mention, Every Day the Same Day.