From what I can tell, several contemporary AAA games seem to really lead you by the hand by continuously telling you what to do. At least on easy mode (which is always my default choice). It's nice that they allow you to get through the game that way. But sometimes it feels too much like you're just following orders and you don't even know why (i.e. you're not really following the story).
Ye, Dead Space was that for me. I had no idea what the story was about because I always felt like a puppet. "Go there!", "Do that!", etc. If one has to figure out and make choices you get more immersed in the story too. I have to say some kinds hand-holding in terms of showing the right way is really good, because it is bad to be stuck. However, the game still have this challenge moments, where a certain amount of skill is needed in order to progress and that is an even bigger problem to me.
Cheats does not feel like a solution to me and every time I have had to use it, any sense of immersion was lost.