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1  General / Check this out! / Re: Tautology by Lana Polansky on: December 09, 2013, 01:59:24 PM
Not much to it. It's nice outside. That means nothing to me. Read a critique on captialism, would be my suggestion, and then start the fight Wink
2  General / Check this out! / Re: Gone home (anyone?) on: August 27, 2013, 09:52:12 AM
it is something I do when-ever I am left to my own devices in a friend's home

I know who I am not inviting to stay at my house...  Grin

I watched 30 min. of a let's play with no commentary by the player. I think I am not interested in the setting
and subject matter (US teenagers). Maybe there is a horror story going on with some hints at Poltergeist and the
pre-owner... it feels pretty mundane. Like boring neighbours.

Also I am not convinced by the writing.

I thought if the first 30 minutes would grab me, I would go and play the game, but there wasn't... Dear Esther
got me invested more (I think the narrator was great and the text was poetic, loved it).

I don't want to appear arrogant here. Congrats to the developers and I am glad they have success. Babysteps, but still
steps in the right direction ...

maybe it is a cultural difference between european audience and us audience. Maybe 90s nostalgia hits the nerve abroad and
sexual/teenage stories, too...

3  General / Check this out! / Re: Gone home (anyone?) on: August 26, 2013, 11:39:08 PM
I am thinking of watching a walkthrough. Could this be the start of heresy?
4  General / Check this out! / Gone home (anyone?) on: August 26, 2013, 03:14:15 PM
Did everyone go home or or did anyone checked out GONE HOME .... clearly a notgame.

5  Creation / Notgames design / Re: Dealing with player failure on: June 04, 2013, 10:19:42 AM
I like to be intellectually challenged in any media. Why can't games be intellectually challenging?
(Tale Of Tales stuff is Wink)

and of course I do not mean the intellectual challenge to master a complex game system.
6  Creation / From the ridiculous to the sublime / Re: I am in love again on: May 26, 2013, 01:26:54 AM
who am I lying to? I never lost the love  Cool
7  Creation / From the ridiculous to the sublime / I am in love again on: May 26, 2013, 01:17:10 AM

no words for how much I love Greenaway/Nyman


I mean this,
8  General / Check this out! / Re: The Lie of the Grandfather Clock on: May 05, 2013, 09:52:30 PM
thanks for sharing...! Do you smoke pipe? (I just started)
9  General / Everything / Re: It's over, for now on: April 29, 2013, 09:44:14 AM
yes, now I feel guilty, too. Thank you  Wink
10  General / Everything / Re: It's over, for now on: April 26, 2013, 11:21:18 AM
I am on a videogame hiatus, too. Started painting again. It is really refreshing to work with paint instead of working
with logic. Even when creating an artistic game, it is still working 90% with logic and 10% being artistic in the moment to moment process.
11  Creation / From the ridiculous to the sublime / Choice vs. Dillema on: April 04, 2013, 12:57:50 AM
I don't like it when a game presents me 2 choices, like kill the puppy or let it live happy.
Or any other choices. I don't care about choices. They are superficial, I feel.

I want the game to present me to dilemmas like the trolley problem.

Make me think, game.
12  Creation / Reference / Re: IGF 2013 on: March 31, 2013, 11:25:49 PM
I read the Walking Deads books way before it became big through the TV Show and the game...
I played 2 episodes and I lost a bit interest. It gave me the same mood, feeling, that the
books did. So it was more of the same... it was not different enough, even with interactivity...
So I am fine with the books... the game is replicating the books
13  Creation / Reference / Re: IGF 2013 on: March 28, 2013, 09:31:13 AM

Cart Life won the grand prize. Gratulation!

14  General / Everything / Re: A rant: I'm tired of the same old geek bullshit on: February 23, 2013, 02:06:26 PM
true, true

judging from that video, Cosmatos is very into 80s Horror/Slasher

also I read a few interviews, where he explained the reasoning behind
Black Rainbow. As a kid, he was not allowed to watch R rated movies
but he could study the VHS covers... So, Black Rainbow is a re-imagining
of those films. That might lead to a split-personality of a movie...


15  General / Everything / Re: A rant: I'm tired of the same old geek bullshit on: February 22, 2013, 09:32:09 PM
The film brings itself to a ruin near the end.

I have to watch it again, but even though it becomes a bit of a horror/slasher
I am OK with that ending...

The commercial about the Arboria Institute is quite something. What if only it
would be true... some people can recompose themself. I like that idea.

I will check out Jeremy Schmidt, thanks for the note
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