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1  Creation / Technology / Re: I want to make something, instead of thinking about how to make it. on: October 13, 2012, 04:06:30 PM
What about the debugging process? Looks like it would be hard.
May this visual programing run in a layer over everything else so you can introduce break-points or similar?
2  Creation / Technology / Re: I want to make something, instead of thinking about how to make it. on: October 12, 2012, 06:19:53 AM
I'd be very interested in hearing your idea. Would you be willing to share it on this forum.
Same here.
3  Creation / Technology / Re: I want to make something, instead of thinking about how to make it. on: October 01, 2012, 04:36:04 PM
Hi all (first post), I have also much experience with Quest3d finding its visual programming a really powerful method, however it is actually abandoned by act3d:
(FerryAct3d) and it all comes down too..  Our efforts now go into Lumion marketing and Quest3D slowly transforms more into an in-house tool. In the future, only the hardcore Quest3D partners we have currently will keep access to it and we might stop releasing the program for individual sale completely.

Michael, wondering what made you stay away from Q3d (you were right). Maybe the mono-platform?
What would be to your eyes perfect-visual programming? Something in between Q3d and Unity?
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