If you have a good look at the time we spend on programming these days, you will see that most of that time is spent on getting the computer to run the things that we want to make.
Increasing processor speed doesn't change the amount of time it takes to write code.
Faster computers could liberate us from many mundane tasks -work that the computer should be doing for us in the first place.
Computers don't do anything by themselves .. but I guess you're referring to more powerful / higher-level tools.
There's a certain danger to this though. When you for example take a typewriter, it will let you create text faster compared to pen & paper. But it comes at a cost, a typewriter is far less versatile then a pen. Sure you can "hack" a typewriter to do things other then it was originally meant for, but it will control the direction of your product to a degree
I know what you mean though .. you just want to tell a story, but instead you're messing around with empty ink ribbons & jammed type-bars

+ Snyggt game Erik ~