Great work, thanks Michael! Now I feel like I know you a bit better
On the shore: I did not know how to pickup words, do I have to do something? I have not read the instructions, I do not like to be instructed in a work of art
So I read the phrases on the beach and was okay with that.
In the café: I like it that you do not know exactly which letter is bound to which phrase at the beginning. Later it becomes more clear, when there are gaps. Somehow I ended up with araound 50% phrases about wine. That was too much. I did not like it...
Actually, I read a bit of instruction in the readme. Left/right for smoking/drinking. But when I was in the café I did not remember. When I came back I hit the left/right key more by accident. Pleasant surprise....
I love the tree. It is distorted in the right way. Great! I would like to have some more VR effects in the cafe, but that's my own personal taste. The waves are very effective and clever. Procedural. If you stand there and watch cloesely, you will recognize the patterns...
It was a nice experience. I never read anything of M. Duras... is it like that? Maybe I will read something sometime. I wonder if there is a explicit hint to Duras somewhere... maybe I should check the back of the café.
I wish there would be some form of closure. Like, you walk out of the café, planetary movements, VR creeping in, end titles. I think it would make me more fullfilled with a proper closure... something.
Another thing is: when you move along the beach, the VR is bleeding in, music changes etc. Great! I love it. When you try to move into the sea, there is an invisible wall or when you try to move past the café, there is a invisible wall. Does not feel that great or interesting. Maybe subtle VR effects could kick in ...
Controls: I used the cursor keys and it was fine. Did not know that I could look around. I am okay to be restricted to that point of view.
Is it possible to make a quick turn 180 degrees, and then experience how the VR is rebuilding the beach, or to get a glimpse of how it is buid, because when you are not looking there is no beach. Not that important, you have the eye-closed-VR, so it would be too much probably.
p.s. just discovred fast travel -> space when eyes are closed, great...
p.p.s I think the visual look and feel is apropriate. I would leave it like that... I like the female look more than the male outfit. i am not a friend of that hood. I would prefer a hat and a simple suit.