Notgames Forum

Creation => From the ridiculous to the sublime => : György Dudas August 27, 2012, 02:20:36 PM

: No moon
: György Dudas August 27, 2012, 02:20:36 PM
There is no moon. I want to teach children in school, that there is no moon. The moon
would never be mentioned in class. Every reference in any school book or literature should be removed. If a child
would ask me, the teacher, what is that pale, round thing up there, I would answer: nothing.

: Re: No moon
: György Dudas August 28, 2012, 04:41:27 PM
another ridiculous story.

Armstrong was found guilty of doping. He will lose
all his titles and buzz aldrin will be appointed
to be the first man on the moon. A famous quote will
change to: "One small step for the man behind me"

: Re: No moon
: Kasper Adriaensen September 02, 2012, 09:22:02 AM
There is no moon. I want to teach children in school, that there is no moon. The moon
would never be mentioned in class. Every reference in any school book or literature should be removed. If a child
would ask me, the teacher, what is that pale, round thing up there, I would answer: nothing.
For the record: I love the idea of this. You'd have to rewrite the language to omit every single simile and metaphor that contains the word.

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