Notgames Forum

General => Introductions => : Rez May 13, 2010, 03:11:35 PM

: Hello
: Rez May 13, 2010, 03:11:35 PM
Hello. :)

I'm from France, I used to be a coder / developer, began experimenting w/ coding as a kid, then i coded some little demos / games, mostly on Linux aroung 98/2000 when i was a teen. I wanted to go either to an art school (drawing was my first passion, coding was the other one) or an IT school. I went to an IT school (regretted it after that). Grew tired of brainless coding work and then I stopped coding. As Life Happened I stopped drawing and painting too. (Picked up music after that.)

At some point i became very disappointed with the evolution of video games industry many years ago as everything seemed to me that the only goal was "more polygons" and I lost interest about the "industry".

Finally after seeing interesting things being made in the indie scene (a part of that was ToT games and ideas) quite recently, i became interested in videogames again as i saw there were alternatives. Got me motivated.
These days, I'm going back to drawing (and digital painting) slowly. I began coding a little 2D game in C/C++/SDL some months ago, but now the project is on hold. I began learning some things with Unity3D when the indie version became free, had a project with a friend who was making 3 models, but we were not on the same "line", we had very different ideas about what we were doing; so we stopped. I began learning Blender (on 2.5 alpha) very recently also. (i used to use Lightwave 3D at school)... so now I try to learn more about all those things...

i joined the forums cause there's very interesting things going on here
(i'm not sure my english level will be enough to contribute to the forums...dunno, i might just end up mostly lurking.)

For the websites.. well, there's not much to see.. a little bit of music there
(and a blank blog (iteration X of it) where i intend to post sketches or concepts, things about development etc, things sometimes in engish or french, depending on the topic).

: Re: Hello
: Michaƫl Samyn May 13, 2010, 07:16:55 PM
Welcome, Rez!

Don't worry about English. Many people here speak a different language natively. I myself speak Dutch, for instance.

Glad to hear you're motivated again! There a lot of work to be done.

: Re: Hello
: God at play May 13, 2010, 07:25:48 PM
Glad to see another interested in what's going on here.  Welcome :)

: Re: Hello
: Rez May 15, 2010, 06:27:30 AM
Thanks ! :)

: Re: Hello
: JordanMagnuson May 16, 2010, 03:24:04 AM
Glad to see you here, Rez! And don't worry about your English at all: heck, I could barely tell you weren't a native speaker!

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